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JustLogin API


Some of our API endpoints will return a large amount of data. To help with this we have implemented paging. The paging information will be returned in the response header.

All top-level API resources have support for returning data in a paged format. Paged data can be accessed by using the following parameters: limit and page.


  • limit optional, default is 50. A limit on the number of objects returned, between 1 and 100.
  • page optional, default is 1. Defines the page to start returning the data from.

Accessing Pagination Data

Each API call returns information about the paged data in the x-pagination response header. This data is in the form of a JSON string and looks as follows:

    "TotalCount": 37,
    "PageSize": 10,
    "CurrentPage": 1,
    "TotalPages": 4,
    "HasNext": true,
    "HasPrevious": false
TotalCountThis is the total number of objects in the entire result set.
PageSizeThis is the total number of objects returned in the current response.
CurrentPageThe current page of the returned result set.
TotalPagesThe total number of pages in the entire result set.
HasNext Boolean stating if there is another page forward in the entire result set that can be fetched.
HasPreviousBoolean stating if there is another page backwards in the entire result set that can be fetched.